

A. Target Group:
The project targets Afghan refugees who have recently moved to the US and require support in their integra on journey.

B. Project Goals:
The main goal of this project is to facilitate as much as possible the immigra on journey of to the United States and accelerate their successful integra on into American society. The applica on, which is organized around 10 key areas, will take into the speci c situa on of each immigrant/immigra ng family to guide them through their journey and help them to focus on their speci c priori es at every point in  me.
The applica on will also act as an informa on portal that each immigrant can always refer to get updates and useful links to o cial resources.

C. Project Measures:
All cri cal informa on in this package will be compiled through o cial US authori es and o cial documents, laws, and regula ons of the United States of America and provided to Afghan refugees upon approval by these agencies.

D. The Integration Journey Manager:
The applica on will o er the possibility for the immigrants, through simpli ed checklists, to easily understand where they stand in their journey, what are the areas to focus on at any given  me and track their progress towards their integra on goal. It could poten ally (in an advanced version), provide alerts and reminders to ensure each step is performed e ec vely and according to target  mes. Addi onally, it could allow to iden fy speci c hurdles with the objec ve to develop further content to con nuously improve in overcoming those hurdles.

E. Content is Critical:
In order to facilitate the Afghan immigrant journey, speci c innova ve content is going to be developed.
The right mix of mul lingual video, infographic and interac ve guides, developed based on direct Afghan immigrants experience and which really integrates the challenges / limita ons of this speci c audience is a cri cal success factor.

F. The original Languages of the Application:
The original language of this applica on will be in English. A er comple ng the Persian version of this informa on database, considering the number of immigrants from di erent parts of the world to America, we plan to continue working on the Arabic, Urdu, Spanish, Russian and Pashto languages.